Struggling in Quant section

I am now at the end of 3 week of 2 month plan. I’m doing concept classes along with practice class and also solving 5lb. When I do the concept classes I feel like I know 90% of the basics but when it comes to practice class I can’t execute there properly. Only 60-65% math of the practice classes I can solve properly and most of the gmat problems given by greg I fail to solve. I am getting frustrated for this reason. I just can’t figure out where my problem is? What I am doing wrong? Why I am failing to perform properly. I am going to seat for gre at the end of July and I want to get at least 160.
I need suggestions please help me out. I’m going to try my best to get my score I just need proper guidance.

I know what you are talking about. So two important things to keep in mind here. First of all, the basics part are meant to be level 1 (like English alphabets or the periodic table in Chemistry) which is why we all feel confident when watching the lecture videos. Second, gmat questions are meant to be tough. So you don’t need to stress too much about it.

My personal suggestions:

  1. Make sure to be able to apply the concepts you are learning (like prime factorizing a number)
  2. Figure out why you got that question wrong
  3. If you forget a concept, allow yourself to revisit that concept and revise it. I keep forgetting a lot of the stuff too.

These are just somethings that I do. The more important part of the quant concepts class is not to forget the concepts.

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