Study Plan Crisis

Hello All,

I hope you are all staying safe!

So I am applying to grad school this application cycle and I want to retake the GRE before I submit. Based on my last score I am low 150s for Quant, but I need to get it to at least 160+ for the programs I want. Ive been going back and forth between the 2 month study plan or the 1 month, and since I want to focus on quant I was thinking it would make more sense to focus on the 1 month plan. Plus I will be working on apps at the same time and working, so I don’t have much time to study and all before apps need to be submitted

Some advice would be much appreciated!


The time you’ve have to spent is totally depend on how quick you can absorb the material and apply it. For some it may only require one iteration of lectures + some practice questions ,while for other it may requires a bunch of iterations for the same .

2 months cover every topic in detail as you’ve got a bunch of time on your hands , so if you don’t have time then your only choice is one month plan .

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Thank you, I agree that at this point the 1-month is my best choice