Study Plan Suggestions and Feedback on PP1

Hey Y’all,

I am planning to apply to PhD programs in clinical Psych this round and am just getting started studying for GRE. I was hoping to get some feedback on my study plan strategy as well as some comments on my first PP.

My current study plan is to study the one month study plan and then take the GRE Mid August for the first time. After that, I was planning to take the two month Study plan and then taking the GRE again in the beginning of November. Does it make sense to complete the one month study plan and then take the two month plan after? Would it be better to just slow down and stretch the 2 month plan out for 3 months? I would greatly appreciate any feedback from anyone who has thoughts or experience with this.

Also, I would appreciate feedback on my first PP test! I really struggled for timing on the verbal section, although this is obviously my strong suite. I think that I can improve a good bit here just based on improving my vocabulary. Quant is my Achilles heal, though I felt much more comfortable here then I expected. I anticipate that time management will have a pretty big impact here as I did not complete all the questions. All I have done so far has been week 1 of the one month study plan.

The first section of all the powerprep is of average difficulty and depending upon how you do in it unlocks your second section.


0-7 correct: Easy Section in 2nd Section
8-14 correct: Medium Section in 2nd Section
15-20 correct: Hard Section in 2nd Section


0-6 correct: Easy Section in 2nd Section
7-14 correct: Medium Section in 2nd Section
15-20 correct: Hard Section in 2nd Section

So , for your verbal part you unlocked the hard section for your second part and got a +2 bonus for it as well but for your quant you got medium as your second section .

Also, since there is no negative marking in GRE ; you should never leave a question un-answered even if you have got no clue about it (Just mark a random answer and move on!).

As per 2021 GRE Interpretative Scoring list of ETS (its the latest ):

If this was your real test then you would have got 87% in Verbal which is well above average but a below average score on Qunat 30%

I think if you continue on following the plan then you can make substantial progress in your scores! You just need bit of a refresher for Quant to get an average score and maybe go through a vocab list and Greg Verbal Strategies to improve on you already above-average verbal score!!All in all just follow the plan .

Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback!!