Suggest me some place for medium to hard quant problems strategy building

I have mostly finished doing gregmat hard and extreme quant problems.I really wanna work on my strategy but I just can’t find that many places for Challenging GRE quant questions to imporve my strategies.
I find it very hard redo a problem that I have done already. So pls suggest me some new ones and where I can find em

Also need suggestion for decently hard chart questions too that are similar to the gre

It’s probably better to work on doing the same problems in smarter ways than just doing more and more problems

But what about chart questions ?
Where can I practice those
There’s barely any in Gregmat

Big book is the best, specifically questions 23, 24 and 25 of each quant section

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What about table or other type of RC style questions?

And btw what type of question is this
This is the quant section-why’s a cr question here

BIg book - Test 1 sec 2 q 23

How is it a quant section? This is a logic section right?

The next question is a math question so I was confused

Just ignore those sections you dont need to do them