Suggestions for getting a 153 on Quant with 40 hours of study time

I could use some suggestions on how I can best utilize my time in the next few weeks to improve my math scores.

The short end, I scored a 148 today after completing 10 days of the 1 month, and 3 weeks of the 2 month. What would your suggestions be on organizing and executing a study plan for the next few weeks. I don’t need to know everything, I would just like to get an average score. What’s the best for a bare bones foundations bootcamp? Would it be to just repeat the first few classes of the 1 month? or would that be too limiting in terms of the different areas?

The long, My original plan was to complete the 1 month study plan and then take the GRE, and then take the two month plan and take it again. Unfortunately, each study day took far more time then I had anticipated (even at x2 speed) and I only got through day 10 days of the one month study guide. I flopped on the test. On my second section of verbal, after only answering 4 questions, I was scanning through the questions and, not realizing I was on the last question, I mistakenly hit the submit button. I was completely demoralized and struggled to finish the other sections. I scored a 151V (only getting 2/20 correct on the second section) and a 149 quant.

After that I committed to studying only quant from the two month study guide. Again, I moved more slowly than I hoped (I later realized I was doing optional homework). I also briefly studied vocabulary here and there. Additionally, they moved the application deadline up by two weeks so I had to take it a bit sooner.

Today I took the GRE for my second time, and scored a 161V (a silver lining) and again a 148 on quant. I really felt much more confident in my knowledge and execution but felt myself crashing mentally on the 3rd quant section at the end.

I don’t need a great score, I would like to give myself the best shot at a decent score (I would be pumped with slightly above average). Obviously I need to work on foundation, but would there be any suggestions for where to derive the foundations from? I guess what I am looking for is a “Bare bones Quant Study plan.” I am especially unsure since I have already completed the beginnings of the one month and two month plan. Any suggestions on improving my foundations would be greatly appreciative. I will take it again on November 17th.

I am tremendously grateful to have GregMATT as a resource.


Use your diagnostic report from previous test to get a better evaluation of in which specific section you’re making mistake.

How bout all of them? I am making mistakes equally across the board.

Questions RIght By Subject Section 1 Section 2 Total
Arithmetic 1/5 4/5 5/10
Algebra 4/5 1/5 5/10
Geometry 1/3 1/3 2/6
Data Analysis 3/7 4/7 7/13

Section 1 is of medium difficulty always and then based on your performance on the first section , the test changes the difficulty of your second section!

Also, you’re missing 1 question somewhere as total number of question should be 40

Yeah I missed a data analysis in my entry.

So it seems like prioritizing arithmetic and Data Analysis would be the best focus?