Suggestions for the 2-month plan

Since last month, I have been going through every task in the 2-month plan and currently I have completed more than half of the plan. In one of the videos, Greg mentioned that it is possible to improve the plan so I would like to make 3 suggestions based on my experience so far and from what other students said:

  1. After the PP1 diagnostics, it would be very useful if there is a video explaining what the scores mean and to have alternate plans based on the scores. For example, students who score high on certain area (e.g. >165 Quant) would be more productive if they get harder quant homework rather than hammering on basic/ easy GRE questions.

I did not know what my PP1 scores mean other than I fall in certain percentile until I watched later videos when Greg casually mentioned that people who score 150-ish in Quant/ Verbal need to do XXX things. I have also seen students who scored highly in their PP1 diagnostics (e.g. 169Q) and confused with what they should do next.

  1. The first month of the 2 month plan hammer down a lot on TC strategies which I do not complain, it is very useful. However, during the 2nd month the plan focuses more on RC strategies and this caused some students to forget the TC strategies in the first month.

Moreover, not everyone is able to complete the 2-month plan before the test (e.g. they may start prepping months before test but due to personal reasons, could only finish a fraction of the 2 month plan). For those who only managed to complete the first month, they would not be equipped with RC strategies during the test.

Therefore, I think it would be great if during the 2 months, the plan could go back and forth RC and TC strategies (e.g. on TC on Week 1, RC, Week 2, and so on…).

  1. I know several suggestions have been made regarding this, but it would be great if there is at least any direction for students who managed to complete the study plans and still have ample of time before the test. This also includes students who have completed the 2 month study plan, took the GRE test, and wish to retake the test.

This would relate to point #1 about having a video talking about interpreting the diagnostics scores and suggestions on how to improve.

Sorry for the formatting issues, I could not figure out how to better organize this.
Thanks for reading. Cheers!

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These suggestions are spot on!!!