Support/Contrast Logic Word List


I’m confused to why ‘In fact’ is listed as a contrast phrase and not a support phrase.
“The project seemed daunting at first; in fact, it turned out to be quite manageable.”
From the example sentence, my logic is that ‘at first…turned out’ is the contrast phrase.

I also tried using the google definition of the phrase to understand why it should be used as a contrast but I got more confused.
‘used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted.’

Please help. Thanks

You’re right, it’s similar to “actually” which can be seen as a support phrase or a contrast phrase depending on how you look at it.

He’s not annoying; in fact he’s kind.

Here, “he’s not annoying” and “he’s kind” are supporting, but “annoying” and “kind” are contrasting.