Hi! Trying out exercises here but it’s not working. I keep getting an error message saying “something is wrong” even after picking the support/contrast option and directly pasting my answer into the answer box. Anyone this is working for?
Hi, what exactly are you choosing, can you show an example?
The answer is incorrect.
The word advancement does not indicate support or contrast. We can consider the phrase “In the era of Technological Advancement” as additional or extra information.
The word ‘has’ indicate support between the idea ‘company’s refusal to adapt’ and ‘business model increasingly _____’.
Refer to the support/contrast word list. ‘Has’ is a less obvious support word.
Hope this helps!
That’s correct, although I would go with “has rendered” instead.
@angelekpagha you have to enter in the support/contrast word that helps you to figure out the blank, not ideas themselves