Support / Contrast (TC) Question 2


Could you explain why Support with word “by” will work in this case?
I thought the two ideas (Idea 1 “The vivacity and pleasing manners of the president’s wife” and Idea 2 “did much to warm the chill caused by his ___”) are same ideas and so support each other. However, the blank will have to be a contrast to satisfy this theory because of the word “caused”.

Also, in the below question

I think that since both the sentence before the word “that” and after it are same. We can also use “that” in place of “Only by”.
Please, let me know if I am wrong.

Again, also please see this question

Can I use “if” in place of “allowed” since both are support? Since, I think in the blank we will need to put word similar to “exist”.

Thank you for reading through the post. If you think I had mistake in some part, let me know.

Q1 : I think you’re not understanding the sentence. “by” supports chill and blank.
Try to break down sentence into bite sized pieces and these are your “ideas”.
Idea 1 - Mrs Adams is vivacious and has pleasing manners
Idea 2 - This helped in calming
Idea 3 (important) - There is a chill thats created
Idea 4 (important)- source of chill
Idea 3 is supported by idea 4 through “by”

Q2: I suppose you are implicitly using only by and doing the same support of ideas so I guess its okay? Let me know what you would fill in the blank.

Q3: I don’t understand what you are saying. “exist” the earnings of others? Think of the ideas directly related to the blank. Allowed supports " to ___ the earnings of others" and “Selfishness/greed”.

I think you should watch some examples of how Greg/Vince do TC questions. Try to mimic their approach. However, if you are able to correctly solve problems using whatever approach you like, keep it up!


Thanks for the answer. And I think I got ahead of myself. I havenot watched all video of Greg like the Time Contrast and a number of videos. I will at first complete those, make notes and again come back to these questions.

Thanks for letting me know, man.