TC 2 blankers

I have noticed that while solving 2 blankers from the Big Book, I mostly come down to 2 answer choices and eliminate the other 3. However, out of the 2 choices, I am almost always choosing the wrong answer. It is frustrating as all of the effort goes to waste.
Any idea how to get around this?

Apply the grammar strategy and if that doesn’t work, then read the sentence completely filling your selected option in the blanks, if that is giving meaning or explaining any situation in a realistic way, then that will be your answer.
One thing I observed is that GRE TC sentences are many of the times sentences taken from real-life situations or realistic scenarios.
Hope this helps.

Yes, I try to apply grammar strategy but the words are so nuanced that I almost always end up choosing the wrong answer (I know that probability wise, it should be equal. Hence the frustration)!

Cool! Will keep that in mind!

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