TC from BB - Test 7 Sec 2 Q7

Hey everyone, I hope you guys are rocking with the GRE preparation. I’ve a doubt with the following posted question


I really couldn’t follow up the first blank.

Yet, I’ve been looking at the second blank, I took the evidence from the last clause “though processes that did not originate with them”.

So since there are words “though” and “not originate”, I presumed that the second blank will be “originate” or something else like “Coming into existence”. So I’ve put the answer as “revitalize”.
Please let me know if I did anything incorrect in this strategy.

The answer to this question is C. I’ve no idea why the first blank is “idiosyncratic”. Idiosyncratic is “unusual behaviour”, right?

You can start with the 2nd blank. Acc to the 2nd sentence, we can interpret that other people usually imitate the thought processes that did not originate with them. So we can eliminate the answer choices based on this. We can eliminate A,B,D and E. So we’re only left with C. Correct me if my logic is wrong.

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Yeah “Imitation” makes sense to be honest. Thanks!!! @pavanis.1411
