TC question confusing

The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its _______ provisions, but in its broader impact: It made the king subject to the law.
A. specific B. revolutionary C. implicit D. controversial. E. finite

In the above question, the blank is an adjective to provisions and broader is an adjective to impact. I didnt understand how we can draw a contrast here. And if we cant draw a contrast. how to solve this problem.

Note. This is a problem solved by greg in week 2 session 5 homework review. It is from Big book. The correct answer is E. finite after drawing contrast with broader.

But signals a contrast and after the colon is the explanation for the support!

Ok ! Thanks.

Why not specific instead of finite? To me specific came more naturally as the opposite of broad?

specific = distinct/definitive ; finite = limited ; while you can argue that specific can also mean limited in some scenarios, finite is more direct of an antonym to broader .(Look them both up in dictionary!)

Okay. Man its really difficult to go by so particular meanings. How do you retain that.

Okay. Man its really difficult to go by so particular meanings. How do you retain that.