TC question from "Verbal Misc - Double Trouble"

I had a question from week3, Verbal Misc - Double Trouble live class.

For this question I created a phrase :
“People hate you not because you are dumb but because you do dumb things”

Now I changed this sentence to have a “not” which question has and resulted in :-

“People hate you not because you are not intelligent but because you do dumb things”

Because of this reasoning I think the the blanks should be antonyms because of the not present just before the blank. Please let me know where I made a mistake.

Thanks in advance

In a contrast, the blanks do not necessarily have to be antonyms, but your logic seems correct other than that.

In that case shouldn’t first blank be positive and second be negative?

But the solution to the question is both positive.

Is minute necessarily positive?

Ahh got it. I took as positive. With more practice of TC I am able to understand this logic better.
Thank you very much!

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