TC Question problem of the day

need help in this question.

Blank (iii) can be solved via reusing provoke due to (either _____ or). Now , coming to blank (ii) , If a a statesman(Poilitician) is not provoking someone mean he is clever or sharp . Due to “Although” blank (i) will be the opposite of the idea after the comma ,which is, Bismarck is sharp enough to not prove the English → He is friendly with the English , which mean , in reality he hates them thus , blank (i) is hate

Blank(I): Hate
Blank(II): sharp/clever
Blank(III): provoke

Antipathy , shrewd and scorn ?
I have a small confusion, how does Either…or works.
Both words should be similar in meaning or contrast? Like we say Either good or bad, which means contrast. But you explained it conveys similar meaning which is provoke here. Can you please clarify?

Here, idea 1 = hate thus, idea two should be the opposite of it, friendly . Hence, we cannot use either to love or to provoke (Because then we are going against the logic ) and both blank should mean -ve therefore, we end up re-suing provoke .

Ohh Got it. So this was in this particular case that we need to look out for similar words due to entire second part of the sentence to be a contrast.
From this I understand that Either…Or logic can have any set of combinations need not be same/different. Depends on the context.
Thanks for clarifying.

I have one doubt regarding 1st blank and 2nd blank they should be opposite of each other, right? …bc of “although”
please clarify if I am wrong


The Idea is what contrasting in here not the blanks

thank you for your help.!