TC + SE Session 3 - HW Question Doubt


In this question, I considered “generally accepted” as the keyword to arrive at the option D - impermissible. With the context of the sentence, I understood it by viewing that the act of direct flouting of the system was not allowed, even if the person carrying out the act, was mad, or showed signs of madness. However, Greg told us to pick “sign of madness” as the clue and arrive at option E - irrational, as being the slightly toned-down version of madness.

May I know where I went wrong as it’s very easy to take or mistake for the first road in these types of sentences.


The phrase “even as a sign of madness” suggests that the act of flouting generally accepted values was not just forbidden, but was so extreme that it could be considered a sign of madness. This implies that the act wasn’t just impermissible, but was beyond what was considered normal or reasonable - hence, “irrational”.

It’s not just about the act being allowed or not (impermissible), but about the act being beyond reason (irrational).