The probability of ranining on any given day is 0.3. What is the probability that it rains on exactly three days out of six?

The probability of ranining on any given day is 0.3. What is the probability that it rains on exactly three days out of six?

Let a day of rain be R.
Let a day of no rain be N.

What is the probability of getting R R R N N N?
It is 0.3x 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.7= 0.009261

But that is just 1 combination. How many combinations are there? Think of RRRNNN like a 6-letter word with 3 and 3 repeats. Thus use the formula 6!/3! x 3! and you get 20 possible combinations. So finally, 20 x 0.009261=0.18522

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