Three blanker - ETS GRE Practice Test 1 Q.20

Why is the answer to the third blank - H (benignity) and not G (virulence)?

I am not able to understand the explanation given.

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This is a tricky one.

The second sentence says that there is no evidence to back the claim that harmful species have recently evolved.(Are you able to gather this?)

Once we know this, we can understand will’s argument - Species that recently evolved(insufficient time) being more harmful(malignant) than the species which had longer time to evolve(benign).

Thanks a lot for your response, Sky! Really appreciate it.

However, I couldn’t follow your explanation completely. Lesser time to evolve towards harmlessness?
Parasites evolving would be a bad thing right? How I understood it was, since malignant parasites had lesser time within the human body, it couldn’t evolve towards multiplying/being harmful.

Sure, here you go.

Third line: Yet there is no reliable evidence that most harmful species have been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species.( no evidence for harmful species = shorter time)

Because of YET(contrast), first sentence has to go against the second, meaning, there is evidence that shorter time = harmful.

I see, yeah! Thank you :slight_smile: