Time contrast help (3 blankers)

Hey @gregmat and forum hope all of you are doing well and keeping safe! so i had this rather amusing doubt in this three blanker which employs time contrast

Can time contrast ever have 3 times embedded together?

So what i am trying to say is
Today = children of today
Our day = present - they basically didn’t like it
The guilded age - the time where they liked it(loved it)

so i wanted to ask in the first blank why can’t be it reinterpreted ( i have a valid reason)
The reason is i think is since there are 3 times ( according to me) if they i mean the ones of guilded age loved it present age hated it our children’s age basically reinterpreted it right? I mean i still couldn’t get why the answer is ignore in first blank

I think there are two time-contrast going : today and gilded age ,

Yeah, I’m interpreting it as two different times, not three.