Tips or suggestions for Verbal

Hi guys!

I am applying for a grad school that gives greater weight on the verbal section. That is why I am focusing on this part of the GRE more.

Based on my practice, I’ve encountered the following issues. Any thoughts on these would be great!

  1. I find myself being flustered in TC/SE questions which have a lot of commas. Any tips on staying on track?

  2. I find myself having a hard time detecting double possibilities. In these kinds of questions, I have the habit for resorting to common opinion or outside-GRE knowledge.

  3. How to study words outside of GREGMAT’s list?

  4. Tough three-blanker questions which do not have a lot of evidence in the rest of the question to help you guess the blanks.

Thanks to anyone who offers advice!


Have you checked this? Members > Members Area > Skills > Verbal
Specifically, I am finding ‘Reading’ very useful - Reading - GregMat

For #3 - I think, GREG’s list is good enough and if you still need more, I saw a big list in Princeton’s Study guide. (not suggesting it is best or something. I happened have that material and suggesting. Per Greg, he doesn’t like any 3rd Party material for Verbal, but I am suggesting only the list.) Not sure, if it is best. There are other places that can be suggested, but Greg may not like it on his site! :slight_smile:

All the best!

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