TOEFL Study Plan Lecture 1 Doubts

Timestamp: 1:02:00
Greg Mentions that Mars being a dry desert is not an accurate answer as it is an unrelated idea, however we also know that a period(.) separates supporting ideas. Since he does not mention the presence of a ‘however’ being the reason for the lack of relation, I was wondering if that was the actual reason instead.

Timestamp: 1:06:00
Greg says that D is incorrect as we’re talking about volcanoes and not just Olympus Mon. However, it is also true that Olympus Mon is one of the mountains in consideration.
Hence, I believe that D is inaccurate as none of the volcanoes are ‘over’ 25 kms, and not because none of the other volcanoes are 25kms.

Please do let me know if I’m mistaken or need to revaluate my thought process.