Hello everyone,
I took my GRE on 10th August, 2021. My scores are 157Q152V 4.5AWA. Now, I expected a better Quant score. But the questions completely shook me on the D day. They were pretty difficult then what I was solving in mocks and third party material or even ETS material. I need to break the 165+ barrier in 20 days. Need some suggestions. I have understood that it was not my lack of knowledge that resulted in a low score, but it was my lack of preparedness for such questions. I do remember one question that was similar to one that I encountered while solving random GMAT problems. I did not expect GMAT level Quant questions to show maybe if that’s the case do guide me. In need of help. I have subscribed to Gregmat+ as the last resort for improvement and really look forward to improve.
This is a very thorough blog post on the same https://gre.blog.targettestprep.com/gre-preparation-time/