Triangle problem

Which of the following additional pieces of information would be sufficient, by itself, to find the area of the triangle?


Only size AC is enough for us to get the area.I am not sure why it is showing it as wrong answer

You can have only AC or only AB or angle C and AC or angle C and AB

So even I fell into the trap, so think it like this if I have AB alone can’t I find the area? Yes I can similarly if I have AC and angle C can’t I find the area? Again yes I can (if I can do it with only AC I can definitely do it with AC and angle C )

Likewise choose the remaining options

angle C is obviously 120 here. Why do we need that information explicitly?.

Correct but if it is explicitly stated still you can find the answer right, So you need to choose that aswell

I still don’t understand why AB is needed. We can’t find the area if we take AB as the base. I considered AC or BC as the base in both cases AC is alone is enough or angle C and AC.

If you know AB you can find AC the length of side in a triangle are proportional to the opposite side angle

So I know angle C should be 120 and the other angles are 30 each hence if I know AB I can calculate AC and BC (which are equal) and then you can find the area

Correct AC is sufficient but you can also find the area based on AB alone aswell similarly AB and angle C and AC and angle C

I guess the question states individually sufficient meaning
From which of the options individually can I find the area of triangle

It’s not option A AND option B it’s option A or option B