Can someone help me with how to calculate things like 5^5^5^5^5? Exponents raised to exponents… what are the rules?
I haven’t reviewed this recently. However, this is how I would solve it.
Let’s take an easier example in an effort to tackle the harder question that you are asking. If you had 2^2^2^2, you could first solve the base raised to exponent 2, which gives 4. So you would have 4^2^2. Now solve 4^2, which is 16. Finally, solve for 16^2 = 256.
So, I believe, the best way forward is to solve the base to the first exponent until you run out of exponents.
hi @user8282
i feel like its the other way around its not base first rather the top most exponent to its base first
for example:
a^3^3^2 ==>
- 3^2 = 9 ==> a^3^9
- 3^9 = 19683 ==> a^19683