Try number stratergy on this problem

this is manhattan’s question. I tried number stratergy, but inly a specific combination had worked.
I tried [1,3,0] (in the order Joan’s age, Kylie,Lillian) . it yielded me a total of 4 and thus the one which gets divided by 4 works and thus, 52 is the answer.

But i tried anther combination (2,4,1), which yielded 7, none of the answers are divisible by 7. Where did i go wrong here?

I don’t think someone can celebrate their birthday when their age is 0…

Anyway, let J, K and L be the ages of the 3 people. Then, we know that J + 2 = K and K = L + 3. Then, J + K + L = (K - 2 + K + L) = (L + 3 - 2 + L + 3 + L) = (3L + 4). In other words, when divided by 3, we have remainder 1. Only 52 satisfies the criteria.

Hey, thanks for the reply. I was aware of this , but my doubt is why did the combination (2,4,1) not work? i Chose the numbers as dictated by the problem, so naturally it should work, but it didn’t. That’s my main puzzle.

Because that’s simply not part of the options. It’s not wrong per se, but that’s not the option amongst the five. If 7 was part of the options, it would be correct to select that.

yeah , but if we take the first case (1,3,0) , the sum is 4 . Even though there was no 4 in the answer, i thought , maybe a multiple that of 4 that would satisfy the requirements work (just like ratio problems). And 52 was there. But the same case did not work for (2,4,1). No multiple of 7 had been there in the options

That is faulty reasoning, and you were simply lucky this time. The same reason


Got it thanks !