Firstly, this is an amazing resource and was massively helpful for me when prepping for GRE and TOEFL. Just leaving a couple of improvements that I think would help to better the site, and in case I’m wrong about anything I’m saying more than happy to be corrected
There’s no page where I can find all the courses you’ve made. Like some place which lists all the courses you’ve. For instance I never knew you’d done a grammar course until after my GRE since I did the one month course and did not come across a link to it
The videos being in a dialog box is kind of harder to work with than if they were on a page to itself. That’d mean there’d be a link to the page which has the video. This I’ve found annoying when I’m trying to mention a video to someone else who also has gregmat but there’s no link I can send. Also if its a page I’d be able to switch to a different tab or resource and that should show up picture in picture in most browsers which is helpful when looking at other resources during the class