Underperforming in Quant

Hey guys, I have really been struggling to excel in the GRE Quant section. I am a college student who is trying to get his GRE score up (at least to the 50th percentile in both categories, but higher is also great with me) and I always seem to flop on the Quant sections. The highest I have ever scored on the Quant is a 159 and it was the GregMAT practice exam. I have been on and off studying because I am a full-time student taking 14 hours, so studying is not always super easy. I really need to take this exam on Thursday or next week at the max or this graduate school is out of the picture. I know it’s unreasonable to take it in such a short amount of time, but I just feel like I have not improved with using Prepswift or the dedicated videos. My last actual GRE exam I scored V-157, Q-154, and W-4 but I need to study more vocab as I have forgotten some words. Anything would help, and I am sorry for such a long post.

Can you please do the following?

Watch the following videos (1.5x speed if you want):
Four Keys to a High Quant Score - Four Keys to a High Quant Score (An Important Class) - GregMat

Tell us what you learned from this.

Take the following quizzes:
Arithmetic: https://forms.gle/1yNWtpatymwLQFDN7
Algebra: https://forms.gle/Jbe9Y3MysMZSkmR89
Coordinate Geometry: https://forms.gle/QX5NC8VzH41pema39
Geometry: https://forms.gle/9eSu7Kb27Tsrqu2r8
Data 1: http://forms.gle/8MGpxzFJRvwaxKGg7
Data 3: https://forms.gle/85PkubBzwZ3AFCNKA

Please print (print to pdf) your scoresheet after you mark it and send it to me. You should do these untimed, slowly and carefully using paper, the only thing you can’t do is google things or look at your notes.

This would help us better determine what we should do for Quant.