Understanding Diagonal of the Square

Hi esteemed forumers, I am struggling to breakdown the steps to identify the length of the diagonal of a cube. Can someone help?

So I understand that to find the diagonal length, the process entails:

  1. Finding the length of the base which is a hypotenuse of a 45-45-90 = (root 2).x
  2. The (root 2).x is the base of the diagonal line as part of the second 45-45-90… this is where I am stuck. I understand that if I use the Pythagoras theorem ie a^2 + b^2 = c^2 will help me to find the diagonal line but it should naturally work with the 45-45-90 technique, right? I couldn’t quite figure out why is it the diagonal is a (root 3)s unless the triangle is a 30-60-90? Is it because the side of the triangle is not the same as the base? but even then, the base should be (root 3) x s, where s = (root 2) s, and therefore the hypotenuse is (root 3) (root 2 multiplies with s)? Sorry quite convoluted there but hope someone can help to untangle it for me. Thank you in advance.

You know the sides, but not the angle.

Eventhough it’s a cube, it’s not reasonable to deduce 45-45-90? But your explanation makes sense - that means to find the diagonal line the long way especially if there’s any tricky question, we should use the a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Otherwise, stick with (root 3)s.

It is not.

The \sqrt{3}x part only applies for 30-60-90 triangles. Don’t mix the two up.

Okay got it. For this diagonal thing, it’s purely Pythagoras theorem rather than the unique relationship of 30-60-90 and 45-45-90