Today, I took the GRE for the 2nd time and got a score of 331 (165 verbal and 166 quant). My previous score was 328 (170 verbal and 158 quant). Thank you Gregmat. Your videos and suggestions really helped a lot. The subscription fee is peanuts compared to the benefits I got.
Could you talk a bit about how much time did you prepare? What are the resources that helped you the most etc? Any recommendations to people yet to give their GRE.
Can you please give some tips about quant and verbal. I have my exam in 10 days
It took me about two months of preparation. I followed the ETS math review and gregmat videos for concepts and strategies (1 month plan). For practice, I used official materials from ETS (GRE official guide, big book, quantitative reasoning practice book) and Manhattan 5lb (only quant).
I also purchased the Manhattan practice test set (5 tests for 49 USD) in order to get test ready before my second attempt. Please note that the questions in these tests are mostly on the harder side and the verbal is not representative at all. However, I found them useful because these make you go though all 5 sections (including the experimental) and helps you build up the endurance necessary for the actual test.
I would also recommend purchasing the ETS PowerPrep Plus 3 (39 USD) if possible. The questions are as representative of the actual GRE as it can get. The quant sections of the free ones that we get with the registration are too easy.
Hope this helps the people who are planning to take the test.
For people who are planning to take the test in the next 2 weeks: I would suggest you sit for a practice test now and look at the assessment report to identify your weaknesses. After that, consciously work on improving in these target areas.
For quant: Time management was an issue for me. What I did was take sets of of 20 questions from the ETS quantitative reasoning practice book and the 2009 paper based GRE question, and tried to complete them within 30 min (the actual test gives 35 min). This helped me improve my speed.
For verbal: I studied Gregmat’s full list. I would suggest you review the list at least once before the exam day (even if you have memorized them already). Master the math strategy (SC) and pairing strategy (SE) as these are the most useful. Finally, for passages - consciously practice symplifying sentences, this helps increase both speed and accuracy.
Thanks for sharing your experience and super congrats on getting a great score.
Had a query with regards to GRE mini exams section on greg page that comprises of 20questions in each section mix. Are these old GRE pattern questions ?
I am not really sure because I did not use the mini tests that much. But some of the questions are Gregmat original and some are from free materials like the big book, ETS reviews and old GRE questions etc.
Thanks for your prompt response.