I never studied during schooling and in colleges i avoided the every possible way and used to get bare minimum marks on quant. But now i need a good gre score at least 165Q and 155V. After preparing for GRE about 7 to 8 months, I went through Khan academy, prepswift , overwhelmed plan and took many quizzes. M.ade note of everything I have notes filled with 3 or 4 notebooks. I was getting around 295 to 315 on mock test. Today i have my exam and received 146V and 156Q. Of course dissapointing. But I wont give up. I will work hard again and want to give my exam after maybe 2 to 3 months not sure. I can spend 4 to 5 hours per day studying. What should I do from now on? About 2 days ago, I did gregmat flashcard quizzes and received the following score.
1-4: 85%
5-6: 66.67%
7-8: 86%
9-12: 66.67%
13-17: 72.23%
Is this the foundation issues. I have made 2,3 carless. Mistakes on each quiz.
On verbal side, I have memorized more than 2100 words gregmat list including 34 gregmat list and others. And I have also did a delebrate practice of each quant strategies.
I have used a following materials 1)Most of the Gregmat quizzes, prepswift, overwhelmed plan, gregmat easy, medium and half hard problems. 2) 5LB except geometry, DA, Combinatorics and Probability. 3) All ETS materials 4) PPP1 and PPP3
And I have made a extensive notes and tried to do the debrate practice of each techniques and still i am ended up with this score. Please advice me what I should do for next attempt? @gregmat
Why are you even in the community @Leaderboard ? If you don’t want to help then its okay. What kind of questions is that do you have a disability?
I have mentioned there that i did delebrate practice of quant strategies and (yes i have not mentioned this) that i have also watched the most of the gregamt verbal strategies and i have done a delebrate practice for that as well with big book.
It is literally as I said, and I am not sure why you appear to be offended. The reason I asked this specific question is because of my experience with students, as a staff member here at GregMAT. I’ve had a few students in this group - they do the work but end up underperforming or are struggling to move past a certain point. Now I am not saying that you are in this group, but it is important to rule this out given that your flashcard quiz scores seem relatively OK in comparison to the score you got. If the answer to this was yes, we would be having a different conversation. It’s actually a standard question I ask tutees.
I apologize for that. I was shocked and offended by that question at first. Thank you for clarifying.
I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I did exceptionally well in my MBA program. In fact, I topped the university.
However, for example, today during the exam, I panicked. I could not comprehend the questions, but for some reason, the second section of the quant section felt much easier. Perhaps the questions were easier. For the verbal section, I consistently ran out of time, and the sentences often didn’t make sense, especially in the first section. I tend to do well in untimed settings especially on quant.
I will be back with untimed quant quiz score. Thanks a lot for helping.
Sorry your test didn’t go well. I would recommend starting from scratch with verbal. I would go through the one-month plan again (or for the first time if you haven’t already). For quant, we need to make sure that your foundations continue to be strong. It seems like you still have foundation work to do. Do you want me to give you a series of foundation quizzes to assess where your foundations currently are?
Hi, @gregmat
I have now completed all the quizzes you assigned. I apologize for the delay, as I was unable to do them immediately. Could you please provide an evaluation of my performance?
Google Forms Quizzes:
Arithmetic: 94% (47/50). Two errors were due to not simplifying to lowest terms.
Algebra: 86% (31/36). One error was writing 12% instead of 12. I missed a completing the square question on x²-6x=-5. I added 5 to both sides and did a factorization, i thought i do not need to do the square but i knew the correct step for completing the square was (-6/2)² = 9 but didn’t apply it. I added +1 for this, considering it a careless mistake.
Coordinate Geometry: 92% (35/38)
Geometry: 93% (41/44)
Data Analysis 1: 87% (26/30). One error was a careless mistake writing (-1, 1) instead of {-1, 1}. I added +1 for this, considering it a careless mistake.
Data Analysis 2: 88% (36/41). I’m unsure if the following are conceptual errors:
Three-digit even integers: I initially calculated 444=64but realized after submission it should be 455=100 (including zeros).
Probability of A or B: After submission, I realized the minimum probability should be 0.4, not 0.3 (since the question says A or B.
Data Analysis 3: 73% (11/15). I incorrectly answered “false” to the question about the relationship between mean and median in a normal distribution. I know that in a normal distribution, Mean=Mode=Median. *I added +1 for this, as well.
Hi, @Leaderboard
I apologize for the delay, took a few days off. Could you please provide an evaluation of my performance? From quiz. com untimed (25/30)=83%
I recently took a Google Forms quiz. Please review the results that is mentioned in previous text.