Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) …unless
a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed
“more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And,
although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no
incentive exists for anyone to expend effort …(ii) the science of an
erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of… (iii)
devices will continue to yield occasional patents.
Blank (i)
A presumed verifiable
B carefully scrutinised
C considered capricious
Blank (ii)
D corroborating
E advancing
F debunking
Blank (iii)
G novel
H bogus
I obsolete
(How can OPTION D be eliminated and what strategy should be used)
This post didn’t seem to get any answer and I have a question on this as well (OG SET3 Page95).
Can anyone please explain how can we eliminate choices G & I for the blank (iii)?
I have a hard time finding a reason to eliminate them, especially G. For the correct answer H, I couldn’t find any strong support for it. I asked myself over and over again whether “erroneous” is similar to “bogus” OR whether we can use “erroneous” as the evidence to select the correct answer. Even so, I still have trouble eliminating G (I believe ETS must design this Q with a valid reason to eliminate G). This worries me as I would probably select G in the real test if similar questions were asked.
Part 1: the patents are accepted unless they are veryyyy clearly wrong…
Part 2: therefore no incentive for people to discredit the patents …
Corroborate means to prove something/agree with something. Debunk means to discredit/prove false.
Hence it won’t be corroborate.