Verbal RC score

Anyone got any recommendations to solve RC more effectively? I’m getting about 60% correct, and would really like to take it up to 80%+
I have been practicing a lot, from the Big Book, to the point that I exhausted the material. Yet, my scores have plateaued.

Any form of help would be greatly appreciated :pray:
Thanks in advance!

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one thing that really helped me is forcing myself to read faster on the long passages. I would pick 3 passages. First, I would only use simplification and function, untimed. Second, I would only find the main ideas of each paragraph. Then the 3rd paragraph, timed, only looking for the Main Idea, and simplifying as needed. When you practice the function tool enough, it would just subconsciously come out.

Then I would experiment with which one of the 3 main tools is the most useful. I went from about 60% to 90% to 95% correct. I imagine I am almost verbally dancing with the author.


Oh wow.
Cool, will definitely try that out!
The only issue I have with just skimming through the passage is that I feel like I am missing out on a lot of content, which might lead to eliminating a correct answer while using the elimination strategy!
How to tackle this?

it will feel weird at first. I felt it myself. Like “I am skimming so fast, am I sure I am getting all the needed content”? type of feeling. The most important thing is finding the main idea of each paragraph. I always go back for detailed questions. When skimming, practicing looking for tone shifts and keywords. Then slow down when you sense a shift. That will give you a good idea of what the paragraph is about.

Like Greg Said, you absolutely have to practice the skills sepereately before combining them. It is like rpacticing for a triathalon. You have to get better at running form, swimming form, and biking form before throwing them all toghther. Or golf, you don’t just hit the course everytime you go practicing. Sorry for the extended metaphores haha.


Nope lol, thanks for the metaphors in fact :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks a lot, I’ll definitely try it out!

Do you take notes? Do you simplify on steroids (identify function)? Do you highlight the “most important words”? These all helped me go from 60% success rate to 80%+

I try to do them in my mind, but definitely don’t write them down.
Should I be doing that? As it seems a lil time consuming

Can’t hurt to try. I found it really helped. You might not get any benefit from it but I would experiment before writing it off

Yep cool, getting on with it!

I think the key is to find a balance when it comes to notes.

I write down simplification of paragraphs and main ideas. For short reading, I simplify every sentence. It does not take that long. Writing down stuff makes structural questions so much easier IMO.

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Hmm ya.
Guess it’ll just come by practice hahah.
Thanks for the inputs!!