Verbal Study plan for one Month

Hi all.
I have GRE exam in on 31 August. And I have completed Quant, But have not started any Verbal yet, How should I plan for rest of the days just focusing on Verbal.(Full time for GRE Preparation)

  • How many words per day?
  • How many hours per day at least required to be studied.
  • Is One month enough for Verbal ?
  • If I follow One Month plan then it should take just 15 days to complete verbal, What should I do in other 15 days.?

English is not my first language, I do not read any English literature.

Today is 5 August, if it take you 15 days to complete then by 20 August you’ll be done with the plan. Given you have taken pp1 as the diagnostic before, you should be left with PP2 are your disposal . Now , if you give PP2 on August 22 then you’ll need at least 3 days to review and work on your mistakes. After that, you will be left with 1 week of time to review the concepts and work on time management.

Thank you so much. I will follow this.
Would that be enough to get 155+ ?

Who knows

Yeah, I meant, assuming I work seriously and complete all practice sessions. :sweat_smile: