Here is the question:
Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiment she let a number of _______ results slip by.
The answer given by Greg: inconsistent or anomalous
Now I sort of agree with the explanation provided, but before looking at the answer choices, I guessed the answer to be a synonym of ‘definite’ - as in ‘she let a number of sure shot or definite results slip by’.
Since there was no choice that fit this, I wasn’t sure what should I have done in a real test scenario, had this happened then?
Greg in his dedicated TC once told a “Last resort” strategy .
The strategy is to identify verbs/adjectives and find its antonyms or synonyms in sentence adjacent to the sentence containing blank .
In this case I can see :
“first”-> synonym- foremost and antonym - last
“inconsistent”-> synonym- same word and antonyms- consistent .
This is must be used when time is less or couldn’t solve the question with greg’s other primary strategies.
ur just wrong in this case, inconsistent cant mean same as ‘sure shot’ lol. either solve correctly or u will get it wrong. in fact u not finding ur answer choice is good news so now u can contemplate that u solved wrongly and skip and comeback later. k bye