Verbal Tricky concepts list

  1. Author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following? - Is this an Inference Question (since “would” most likely word is given in the question which implies hypothetical or the passage will directly state the answer?

  2. Passage is primarily concerned with?- Does it mean the question is asking what the passage talks about all the time? Will that be the main idea or something else?

  3. I follow Greg’s pairing strategy while solving SE questions. I go through the option and eliminate the ones which are not exact synonyms. But my question is: Even if I am implementing the Pairing Strategy in SE, can I still do “Math Strategy” in SE questions after finding out the pairs? To know which pair suits the sentence better?**

  4. For SE- Shall I choose the exact synonyms pair even if it does not fit the sentence properly?** Rather than selecting a non-synonym or “almost” synonym pair which perfectly fits the sentence?

  5. Is the word “Still” a contrast or a support word?

  6. Does it matter whether, however is followed by a comma or not?
    Like, “However,” denotes a contrast but “however” (without a comma) does not denote a contrast. It means in whatever manner. Or, however word, whether followed by a comma or no comma - will always be a contrast?

  7. Is it true that words like “Apparently/Seemingly/Seems to” - Will not be a contrast in TC, but these words will be a contrast only in RC questions? Or is it that these words will always be a contrast?