Vocab Revision

Hi everyone,
Can someone suggest the best resource on this website (maybe somewhere else) for the final revision of the GRE Vocab?

use got Quizlet, vocabulary.com ,anki , Greg vocab quizzes on youtube and website . Choose whatever fit your taste

What do you mean by final revision?

Thanks a lot, Can you suggest which section of Greg’s vocab quiz should I do, because there are many types of quizzes (logic quiz, daily quiz, dedicated vocabulary, vocab quiz hour).
I have already completed the youtube quizzes.

If I have a week left for my exam, how to assess my preparation in vocab?

I made an Anki deck of Greg’s 840 words in way to revise that word along with synonyms and example sentence. It looks like this.

If you’re interested, I’m happy to share it

Edit 1 : Here’s the link to the file. I used Ankidroid app on Android


Sure can you provide the link in chat

I added it to the earlier reply