I’ve started reading articles from sites like aldaily, aeon and 3quarksdaily quite recently. More often than not I forget that I shouldn’t focus on the topic and focus on grammar and structure or I’ll just read it passively without gaining anything from it. Is there a process that can be followed while reading these articles? For example, I can read an article just to practice one specific RC skill like sentence function or I can read it to look for how vocab words are being used in the given context and there are many more things that could be done. I know there are different ways to read a passage but I want to figure out what is the most efficient way to do so. If possible please also answer following questions.
Do you have your own approach/process for reading these articles? If yes, can you explain how you do it.
How much time on average do you spend reading a single article?
Do you practice specific RC skills like finding the main idea or simplifying sentences or should I practice those with big book and ets material only?
Do you follow a process while reading articles and if you do please explain your approach here.