Where do i start from? (A complete newbie)

Hello all,
I just had the subscription and am confused where do i start from. I am about to start the preparations from the scratch. I am quite good with the quant but bizarre with verbal. My vocabulary seems to be really weak. So can anyone help me with where and how i can start with?
Will going through the 2 month plan be helpful?

Hey there -
I think your choice of plan depends on how much time you can dedicate to prep. Both plans are really good, and you can always divide each day into parts if the time you have is that constrained. As for vocab - there’s links to Quizlet flashcards in each ay of Verbal which are really useful compared to traditional means of prep, not to mention quizzes you’ll be taking.
The bottom line here would be that practice makes perfect - as long as you commit yourself to the plans and have faith in your hard work, I’m sure you’ll feel more confident as you go along.
Hope this helps, and good luck! : )

If you have enough time go for the 2-month plan as it will give you enough time to learn all the vocab words and also practice verbal questions and strategies and brush up on quants.