Where to find answer choices for QC questions in Week 1 Day 2<>Ratios, Percents, Fractions

Hey, where do I find the QC questions for this session? I checked the sample PDF on the ETS website but I didn’t find any QC questions that were discussed during the practice session for Percents/Ratios/Fractions (Week 1, Day 2)

1 month or two months plan?

2 month plan

you will need to watch the video highlighted in the pink box and solve the question from there(mostly pausing the video when a question shows up then resuming because Greg will also solve it after introducing you to the question)

p.s. the answer choices in some of the question will be A, B, C, D:

A) Quantity A is greater
B) Quantity B is greater
C) The two quantities are equal
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given

Yes, I meant, specifically for QC questions, I am unable to view the answer choices. Attaching screenshot below.

Okay I realized I made a moronic statement. I assumed the answer choices would be different for A,B,C and D for each question.

Thanks for the help!