Which is difficult to score text completion or reading comprehension

Hey folks, I am targeting for 164 in verbal. In powerprep 1, I got 151V, 168Q.
I am on week 5 of 2month plan and have practiced text completion till big book test 11. I am getting a score of 10-13(average- 11) on those in timed manner. I will be giving GRE in first week of June but it seems that my score is not upto the mark needed for my target score. Upon closely looking my mistakes it seems that I am lacking in understanding the underlying meaning of the sentence(not sure if this can be improved with practice but I’ll try on this).

Now I wanted to get an estimate whether text completion or reading comprehension is more difficult, if TC is more difficult then it seems that I need to spend more time on my prep otherwise I’ll follow the two month plan and keep on practicing 5 TC questions daily for improving logic.

Any help on how to improve or what to target first for efficient use of time would be appreciated.

@gregmat @HoldMyBeer

Both reading and TC requires different set of skills and as you’re giving your test in June ; you can re-do the 2 months or 1 month plan only for the verbal part only! Maybe ask Greg for advice on have a beer with Greg session for more in-depth answer. Personally for me ; I was already good in RC’s but for TC improving my vocab helped me the most; along with using targeted practice (only practicing 1 TC strat a time in BigBook)