Which study plan?

Hello, I am about to choose a study plan and not sure which one would be better suited to my needs. I will have only about 2-3 hours to study per day because i am also taking my dental school boards at the same time and will have to devote time to that. Does the 2 month study plan spread out the material more? Or should i just follow the one month plan and spread it out a bit more? This is my first time taking the GRE with no prior prep.

If you’ve 2months or more to prep for GRE then take the two month plan so, that you can stretch it if you end up taking more time for some tasks otherwise go with one month plan. On another side note, my personal advise would be to first book a realistic test date and then start your prep so that you stay committed to the cause :upside_down_face:

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Hey @Molarbear I think you should take the 2 month plan, but you would have to possibly spend another month with this course because there is a lot of material to go through and you can only cover so much in 2-3 hours. I would suggest you to take the 2 month plan but stick with it for atleast 3 months so that you can cover everything while studying 2-3 hours a day.

In case you are looking for a community or discussion group for gre here’s a discord link https://discord.gg/mAJrcSastD

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