Hi! I’m taking the new GRE in about a month and need to take my diagnostic. I’m wondering first how many NEW GRE practice tests are available at the moment — I know in a lecture from about 2 months ago it was mentioned that there was only one. Are there more than one by now? Should I use the aforementioned one as a diagnostic, and if so, what will I take after studying to assess my progress? I do have access to a few old GRE practice exams, if it would work to use those diagnostically. Any info helps, thanks!
I think that at the moment, only PP1 and PowerPrepPlus Practice Test 2 ($40) are available in the shorter format. However, I still believe that until ETS updates all its materials for the shorter version, using PP1 as a diagnostic is still the best option or you can give PP2 as diagnostic and then save PP1 for the end
cc: @gregmat
refs: https://ereg.ets.org/ereg/public/testPrep/viewtestPreparation?_p=GRI
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Hi, I gave the free Princeton test as the diagnostic test. Is it supposed to be a good diagnostic test? Or should I just give another - the ETS free practice test to get a real sense?