Why not both ideas are contrasting?

Born and reared on the outskirts of civilization, he was afforded the most _________ educational advantages.

I could not understand how the 1st idea(before comma) and 2nd idea(after comma) support each other… i know the reason but if one was born and reared on the outskirts of the civilization,then he must not get educational advantages…ideas should be contrasting… isnt it???

I think you are right, scant or minimal should be the answer.

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now i understand how it is supported… as he was born on the outskirts of civilization, he could afford minimal edu advantages…

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Yeah, it’s about ideas supporting/contrasting not just the blank.

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i am facing challenges guessing the right word or any word near to it for a blank??? any advice how i can improve it??? i will get skilled finding support or contrast by practicing but how can i work on guessing

Can you give an example of such a question?

In ques - 4…both ideas are supporting…as Freud learnt indirectly, he was able to that from behavior of adult and combine/incorporate it…thats why i chose C…thats how i guessed it…but the answer was A…but I am not sure how Freud can rebuild from adult memory… is it any how linked up with the word derive???

Is it derived closer to “reconstructed” or “incorporated”? “Derive” means to come up with something right?

reconstruct is more closer to derive as the meaning is similar

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