BB Test 1, Section 1, Q5

The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its _______ provisions, but in its broader impact: It made the king subject to the law.
A. specific B. revolutionary C. implicit D. controversial. E. finite

I am still unable to understand how the math strategy is working here.

Using the word narrow in the sentence makes logical sense but according to my understanding of math strategy the word “not” should change narrow to broad.
Why is the word “not” ignored in the strategy. I understand that Idea 1- significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its _______ provisions- will contrast the idea 2 - significance of the Magna Carta lies in its broader impact.

Please help me where I am making the mistake.

“Not X but Y” is an idiom, with a contrast between X and Y. So in this case, we can ignore “not”.

Also, this might be helpful - Do Not agree with Greg's solution

So can I consider it as a contrast phrase missing from the support/contrast word excel sheet?