Session 9 (including Session 8 homework)

Hello, I have some questions.

  1. In the session 8 homework question, we view the first blank as positive because “hitherto” refers to the past. The phrase “at first subtly” reinforces this understanding, correct?

  2. In the question below, again from session 8 homework, Greg’s initial guesses for the two blanks didn’t match his final choices; they are inconsistent. He suggested pairs like “show, love” or “hide, hatred,” but ultimately chose “suggest, aversion of.” This confuses me! Also, why is the sentence “Professors share his scorn” considered positive?

  3. For the question below, again from session 8 homework, I just want to check whether my solution is correct. I considered two possibilities: either (-) , (-) , (+) or (+), (+), (-) . Since none of the options for the first blank is positive, the first possibility should be correct. Am I right? If I need to add anything or strengthen this approach, please let me know.

  4. In terms of “Previously Referenced” strategy, Greg mentioned for the question below that it can be also solved through the “Time Frame” strategy. How?

  5. In relation to the “Previously Referenced” strategy, why did Greg choose “elixir” instead of “advancement” in the question? “Advancement” seems like the correct answer!

  6. Finally, why did Greg use adjective forms instead of noun forms in the two questions below? The adjective forms don’t seem correct! (These questions relate to the “Previously Referenced” strategy.)


Hello, could someone please assist me with these questions?

Why is no one assisting me with my questions???

@ganesh could you please help me with my questions? two of posts have been overlooked for several days, including this one and another. Thank you!

Firstly, I would suggest switching to the new series with better ETS questions, these questions might not be perfect. However, I can take a look at your questions, sorry for the late reply.


This is quite a hard question for non-native English speaker, and it’s about what the word “suggest” implies. Can you please check this thread?

It’s fine although I would be thinking more about the ideas being positive/negative rather than the blanks themselves.

I’m not sure what that means either.

Do they not convey the same idea of “something that helps”?

What would the correct “noun forms” be in your view?

Hello Ganesh,

I hope you’re doing well!

Firstly, could you clarify what you mean by “new series” and “better ETS questions”? How can I switch to that? I noticed that the videos are related to the 2024 version in the 1-month study plan.

Secondly, Greg mentioned the word “hide,” but I don’t see any connection to the meaning of “suggest.” Is this a common phrase among native speakers? I’m still having trouble understanding it.

Thirdly, perhaps he meant “Time Contrast,” as I may have made a mistake. Is the “Time Contrast” strategy applicable to the question I mentioned?

Fourthly, I’m unsure if you had any issues with the “advancement” and “elixir” question. Could you please share your thoughts on that?

Lastly, regarding the first question, I realize now that it should be an adjective, and “ambitious” is indeed correct (although I’m not sure we can describe strategies as ambitious!). For the second question, I believe it should have been “insignificance” instead of “insignificant,” which is what I meant by “noun forms.”

Thank you!

You can find it here: (2024 Edition with ETS Material) TC and SE Strategy - GregMat

You can substitute it for the TC and SE series currently in the study plan.

Did you read the thread I linked?

I can’t see how it could, but maybe I am missing something.

I already did, right? I said they both convey the same idea in this sentence → “something that helps”.

Got it

Hello Ganesh,

Thank you very much for your responses!

I reviewed the 2024 link you provided, and I appreciate you sending it. However, I can’t incorporate it into my study plan because it isn’t organized in a way that allows someone to learn the strategies step by step. I think I’ll need to focus on those separately later.

Regarding the screenshot you shared about the meanings of “suggest,” I noticed that the answer you mentioned was “hide,” but you also stated that “suggest” can mean “show.” “Show” and “hide” are clearly opposites!

Lastly, do you agree that “insignificance” is the correct term instead of “insignificant”?

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Something annoying about the english language! In this context, it means to imply something and not state it explicitly, so it conveys the idea of “hiding”.


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